Thursday, 2 June 2011

Fort Resolution

Hi y'all, I did mention that I love making and designing stuff along with scrapbooking right??? anyway I decided to share with you a very detailed example. .. .the picts might be a bit blurry though, it was 3a.m. when I took 'em :)
One day early last year my sister came home from school looking very defeated... when I asked her "what's up?" she stared glumly at me, and mumbled "I'm late again" meaning the deadline for an assignment had once again crept up on her. I immediately felt sympathy for her, and immediately offered to help out  in whatever it was, so she sat down and described it,, it was in the dead of winter, and she had to build a fort out of anything she wanted,, all the other kids had almost completed theirs and they were seriously good, no one expected her to come up with anything good with so little time left.... and straight away I got her working, no more sitting around feeling sorry for herself....
We left the house and started collecting.... twigs, dug up 7 feet of snow and chipped away the ice for stones and gravel,, chipped up dirt and melted it inside and dried it up, found bark, chopped off branches, and whatever else we thought we could use...  So we went inside and transformed out kitchen into a craft room, it stayed that way for the next 3 days , and nights,,, So once inside we scrambled around also collecting things, scissors, hot glue gun, paint, pens, paper, all that good stuff which is too much to name... Once all the stuff was dried off and ready to use we got to work cutting, measuring and building, I designed the fort and showed her how to build it, I tried letting her do as much as possible but, I couldn't hold back -- I mean how could I ,, I love doing this -- Together with my dad also helping out ,, we build a fort, complete with canons and ladders leading up to them, a school/church, 3 houses with cotton boll smoke, a barn,  blacksmith, saloon, a bell tower, and a trading post, plus a well right in the middle, I poured in blue paint and let it dry, it seriously looked like there was water in there... Going out of the  fort we had a drawbridge, which we could open and close!! kool eh? we made a moat around the fort for security sake,,, and outside the fort was as good as inside,,  we build a dock with canoes, a camp ground for the traders - with an archery for entertainment purposes, a lumberyard, and a fishery , to clean the days catch, and sell the  fish from there as well I guess... and every fort needs a graveyard, we tried to make it creepy,,, :) we graveled the roads and added a couple of extras, like tables to clean the fish , with fish scales and a knife on top, a bow and arrows, a saw, shaving, wood chips and planks, a pile of logs and a hatchet, a bucket  at my water well, -it also moves up and down when u work the handle -  and my all time favorite.... a Red River Wagon,   after all that said... let me introduce you guys to....
Fort Resolution ... (My sis picked the name)... 
top view of our lovely fort

church/school, house, barn, well,

saloon, blacksmith, pile o' wood, canons, ladders, water well again

just another view

yayyy, my lumber yard,, was  a lot of fun making this

THE fishery...

fishery table and bucket for the fish scales

campground for traders, archery in background

dock with canoes and path leading to the fort

grave yard

and last but sure not least - -my fav... The Red River Wagon

front view of the works. .
 We created this in 2.5 days, stayed up most of the night and when we did decide to get some sleep we dreamed about what we could do next... as it was a competition she had to give it her all, and yeah... SHE GOT 1st PLACE.... that was exciting,,,  it was displayed in the Public Library for all to see and admire and after 2 months because it was so big , they disposed of it on the way home from Town, bringing me ....guess what??? No it was not my fav. the red river cart, but the small, .... I'll tell u later after a couple of guesses... I gotta see what u guys would take if u could choose from all of this... so anyway that's what i love doing most,, scrap booking/card making is a close second...  And I think I took up enough of your time ... thanks for dropping by... wishing you all the best... Claudia W.


  1. Hello there;0) Oh My word this fort is amazing! Thank you for dropping by and visiting me;0) Congrats on your previous candy win! Have a wonderful evening;0)

    Hugs xx
    Cecelia B

  2. Wonderful work, thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for visiting the Pixie Blog and the shout out for Pixie, good luck! : )

  3. thanks u guys... :) creating it definitely was interesting and probably the most fun I've had on a while, laughter was always present... :)

  4. Wow this is amazing, such detail it's no wonder it won 1st prize.

  5. definitely looks cool. sounds and looks like a lot of time and effort went into it. love stuff like this

  6. What a good sister you are. That project is awesome!
