Thursday, 21 April 2011

Pencil Drawings

Drawing has always been a favorite pastime of mine,
don't really know how i got started 
I think I just tried it and could do it and now
  I just love doing it
but then scrap booking started creeping up on me and
it does take up most of my drawing time
so... I pushed drawing to the side for a while,
came across some pictures of my completed drawing 
and thought I'd share them,
The horse 
was my first drawing,
it was after I had finished it that I knew I could,
and  immediately started the next one which was 
a crocus with a bee 
which I gave to my aunt for her birthday in may.
 Then I made an elephant drawing 
this was for a raffle draw for the Siloam Mission hope for the Homeless
 located in Winnipeg, it felt awesome doing something 
for the less fortunate and those working there are 
so grateful for everything, no matter how small the deed or
how short the time you spend there...
"caring mum"
For some reason my pictures seem stretched 
any ideas on how to fix them?
Then I made a surprise grad present for my little sister,
a dandelion
 representing freedom, that she can do anything she
sets her mind to now that shes gradded
nothing and noone can hold her back,
just like the flying wispy thingies 
of a carefree dandelion,,, 
Yeah, all my frames are homemade,,, by my dad 
he supports me with everything I try to do
and helps me out whever he can so after having to make a couple
of frames and searching high and low for old windows
for the glass he brought me my next drawing....
it's still in the early stages after 2 years, but I am planning
to finish it soon, i hope,, what can I say, 
crafting always seems to win whenever I have free time,,, :)
o.k bye gotta go...

1 comment:

  1. I use Windows Live Writer which was free to download will give you heaps of tools so you can lighten a dark photo and crop it to take away any excess background and then your photos won't stretch.Then you publish post to blog straight from your computer rather than using blogger.
    You are an amazing talent with your drawing and very advanced for your age. Keep pursuing that talent,I think you will be famous one day for this talent and I can say I knew you when you started out! We both know that's it's not just talent but hours and hours of hard work. Look for mentors in your local area to try different types of art and go to as many exhibitions as you can, it does change how you think about your own art. My 10yr old daughter is an amazing singer but works really hard at what she does, she spends about 30hrs dancing, singing or in plays a week which is more than she does at school! She is very, very self motivated!
